Lettering and type can be very powerful and can carry a huge impact. The recent Netflix hit series 'Stranger Things' proves just that, with a title sequence that has captivated many since the show was first released. Created by the Duffer brothers and set in the early 1980's the series follows a group of young boys, a very remarkable girl and a couple of others, as they try to solve a very eerie mystery that takes part in a small town. Minutes into the first episode I knew I was going to love … [Read more...]
Lettering Tutorial Logo Development Process
Very recently Lettering Tutorial got a new look and that included a new logo too. The original logo was all digitally generated, using an existing font, and basic shapes that I tweaked in Photoshop. I put the original logo together quite quickly as I was keen to focus on content for Lettering Tutorial. It's now six months down the line, and I thought it was time for a new hand lettered logo seeing as Lettering Tutorial is all about hand lettering. First Drafts The new logo began life as just a … [Read more...]
Hand Lettering Exercise – Lettering A Logo Part 4
This week I completed my third and final logo challenge. If you haven't been following along, I set a challenge to letter three existing logos. The aim of the challenge is to help you get a taste of hand lettering but with structure at the same time. The structure comes from knowing how your drawing outcome should look by drawing an existing logo. For more information about the logo challenge and to see my progress so far, have a look at Lettering A Logo Parts One, Two and Three. For my final … [Read more...]
Hand Lettering Exercise – Lettering A Logo Part Three
Thank you for joining me in lettering a logo part three. If you missed parts one and two you can catch up with them here and here! If you'd like a quick summary now though, the lettering a logo series is all about taking those first steps forward, and lettering existing logos as they are familiar. It is aimed at giving you a little taste of hand lettering without being overwhelming. I apologise that part three didn't follow a week after part two as planned, but it's been a busy couple of … [Read more...]
Hand Lettering Exercise – Lettering A Logo Part Two
Welcome to lettering a logo part two, the second in a three part series where I encourage you to start hand lettering by drawing existing logos. If you've missed part one you can find it here. I assigned both myself and you the exercise of starting hand lettering by choosing three logos to draw that have probably been created using hand lettering, or have developed from hand lettering. As mentioned in part one the goal of this practical exercise is to get you started with lettering, and give … [Read more...]