This months 'Lettering Legend' Brooke Bucherie creator of Goodtype isn't primarily known for making hand lettering of her own. She is however known for curating lettering. If you've ever tried searching for lettering on Instagram, there is a pretty big chance you will have come across the amazing Brooke Bucherie's Goodtype Instagram account. Brooke has built a tremendous collection of lettering work that she has found across the internet and shared. The Goodtype Instagram account features over … [Read more...]
Lettering Legend – Dominique Falla Interview
It's somehow already that time again to bring you a new 'Lettering Legend'. This months 'Lettering Legend' is Dominique Falla. A significant person from the lettering community, that has inspired those around her and those worldwide. If you're not sure what a 'Lettering Legend' is, or what the requirements are, you can catch up here. Last month I interviewed Scott Biersack and he provided some very helpful information. This month is no different, I interviewed Dominique Falla and she had lots … [Read more...]
Lettering Legend – Scott Biersack Interview
This months 'Lettering Legend' is none other than Scott Biersack! I interviewed Scott a couple of weeks ago, and have had to exercise so much will power to not share his interview responses sooner as they're so good! Last month Belinda Love Lee did a fantastic job at being Lettering Tutorials 'Lettering Legend' but it's time to introduce you to somebody new. Scott Biersack is an established letterer, and has worked really hard to get where he is with his lettering. Scott has a fantastic … [Read more...]
Lettering Legend – Belinda Love Lee Interview
I recently announced a new feature called 'Lettering Legends'. If you are not sure what a 'Lettering Legend' is then here is a brief summary. A 'Lettering Legend' is somebody from the lettering community that has inspired others, they may or may not be well known but they are certainly worth knowing about. If you'd like more detail, then please read the introduction article that I previously wrote. The first 'Lettering Legend' that I introduced you to was brush artist Emma Holmes, and it was … [Read more...]
Lettering Legends
Over the past few weeks I have been discovering new lettering artists regularly. I have also been very interested in some of the lettering work I've seen. Discovering new lettering artists is an important part of developing as a letterer. Existing artists can provide inspiration and highlight techniques you might want to learn. It soon became clear that I wanted to share new lettering artists with you in a fun and interesting way. The result of this is a new feature I'd like to announce called … [Read more...]