This months ‘Lettering Legend’ Brooke Bucherie creator of Goodtype isn’t primarily known for making hand lettering of her own. She is however known for curating lettering. If you’ve ever tried searching for lettering on Instagram, there is a pretty big chance you will have come across the amazing Brooke Bucherie’s Goodtype Instagram account. Brooke has built a tremendous collection of lettering work that she has found across the internet and shared. The Goodtype Instagram account features over 1000 pieces of lettering, and provides an amazing resource of lettering inspiration.
Brooke has a graphic design background, and has dabbled in a bit of hand lettering herself. Recently she launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for a new lettering book, Goodtype Volume One. Last months ‘Lettering Legend’ was Dominique Falla, founder of the Typism book series. So in this interview with Brooke, it seemed fitting to ask how the two books differ. The interview covers a lot more too, including how Goodtype got started, an up and coming Goodtype scholarship, and tips on how to get your work noticed for curation.
Check this other article out to get a refresher, or caught up on what a ‘Lettering Legend’ is and how to qualify.
Update: Lettering Legends are now recognised through the Typefolk Awards platform. Visit to participate in public community votes, apply to join the Typefolk judges panel and enter work to try and earn the title of Lettering Legend!
You’re known for finding hand lettering and creating great resources, have you ever tried hand lettering yourself and if so how did it go?
“I wouldn’t consider myself a letterer but as a graphic designer, I’ve had to do a few lettering pieces. I must say, I quite enjoyed the outcome. However, I enjoyed the process much more. The script “Goodtype” word logo was hand lettered by me.”

How did you first get started with finding and sharing lettering online?
“I’ve always admired the art of lettering and typography. In the past, I would snap photos of inspiring lettering that would cross my path from time to time. Soon I began noticing really cool letting and type pieces showing up on Instagram. I began saving screen shots of my favorite lettering and type samples. Pretty soon, I had so many stored on my phone that I began running out of room. I thought to myself, I must keep these awesome pieces somewhere. I didn’t want to lose them. So I decided to start an Instagram account and unload all my findings. I made sure to tag the artist- if I knew who they were. And so it began.”

Over the past couple of years you’ve seen thousands and thousands of lettering work. It must be near impossible to decide, but do you have a single favourite lettering piece, or favourite lettering artist?
“That’s a tough one. I love so many styles. I don’t think I love one more than the other. I love flourishes, I love stippling, I love a clean sans serif, I love heavy swashes. The list goes on. I definitely don’t have one single favorite artist. I have very, very many. To name a very few, Raul Alejandro, Ryan Hamrick, Xavier Casalta, Remy Boire, Simon Walker, Patrick Cabral, Anthony Hos and the list goes on!”
There are only a handful of curated lettering books around. Not too long ago I interviewed Dominique Falla the founder of one of these books. Recently you launched a curation book of your own through a Kickstarter campaign, the Goodtype book. How does the Goodtype book differ from Dominique’s Typism book series? Does it have a different theme or does it provide another fresh selection of amazing lettering work like Typism?
“That’s a great question. I haven’t had the opportunity to flip through the pages of one of the Typism books. From what I can tell from the photos I’ve seen, it features beautiful, finished black and white pieces. It is very aesthetically pleasing. I’m not sure how big it is or how many artists it features? Goodtype The Book Volume One is a 288 page hard back of various kinds of letterforms from 175 artists worldwide. It features the work in progress sketch and the final piece. There are a couple pieces in the book that don’t follow the traditional “hand lettering” process. These final pieces were generated in Cinema 4D and are really cool! The Goodtype book features short interviews with Roxy Prima, David Salinas, Criatipos, Vincent de Boer, Nim Ben-Reuven and the legendary Tony DiSpigna. There is also a wonderful article explaining the difference between lettering and typography written by Joseph Alessio.”

On your website you have briefly talked about the ‘Stay Sharp Scholarship’, a scholarship for designers. Can you tell us a little more about it? Is it suitable for hand letterers or aimed at graphic designers?
“The Stay Sharp Scholarship will aid present and future designers. It will be aimed toward all graphic designers- not specifically letterers. One dollar from each book sold will go directly toward the fund. We will announce how much the book raised for the scholarship in November. At this time, we will also be releasing details on eligibility and how to apply. It is our hopes to award the funds for the Spring 2016 semester. The Stay Sharp logo was designed by the incredibly talented Scotty Russell.”

Is it best to be comfortable at lots of different styles of lettering or develop your own style?
“Logic tells me you will go further with more styles in your back pocket, but my gut tells me you’ll go further honing your own style. When someone recognizes your work because of your distinct style, that to me, is more of an accomplishment than knowing how to create many different styles. As a curator, I have a tendency to feature pieces with a distinct and unique style, rather than a lettering style that is trending.”
What advice or tips would you give those first starting out at lettering?
“Practice, practice, practice. Dabble with different mediums, pens, brushes and tools. Eventually, you will find the one that speaks to you the most. Don’t pigeonhole yourself right away. How will you find your style, if you stick to one medium? If you keep at it, your style will progress and evolve into something magnificent and unique. Don’t get discouraged and don’t compare yourself to others. Be the best version of yourself because everyone else is already taken.”

Thanks so much Brooke!
If you’re not already following Goodtype on Instagram I definitely recommend you do!