It's truly an honour to announce this months 'Lettering Legend'. Ruth Rowland is an active member of the Hand Lettering HQ group I manage on Facebook, and is often sharing her work. She is regularly inspiring group members and has been quite modest around her lettering career achievements. It might be that Ruth Rowland's name is unfamiliar to you, or you may have come across her huge portfolio of work before. There's a good chance you will have seen her work at some point though, whether you've … [Read more...]
Hand Lettering Podcast – EP1 Getting Started With Hand Lettering, Brush Lettering & Calligraphy
Welcome to the first ever Hand Lettering Podcast episode, Getting Started with Hand Lettering, Brush Lettering & calligraphy. This podcast series will share helpful hand lettering information, tips, and resources, everything from beginning lettering to going pro. It is a brand new feature for Lettering Tutorial, and one that I'm hoping to continue over the next few months. What you will hear in this podcast episode... · A little about me, my art background and how I discovered hand … [Read more...]
Book Club – Creative Lettering And Beyond
'Creative Lettering And Beyond - Inspiring Tips, Techniques & Ideas For Hand Lettering Your Way To Beautiful Works Of Art' is the first book to be featured in Lettering Tutorials Book Club. For those that didn't catch the intro to Book Club, it's a feature where I'll recommend the hand lettering books that I've found very helpful or inspiring, and also feature the books that you recommend too! 'Creative Lettering And Beyond' seems like a good book to start the club off with as it … [Read more...]
Lettering Tutorial Six Months In, Looking Back & Future Goals
This week marks the six month anniversary since the very first article went live on Lettering Tutorial. This article will be a little different to the usual ones you might have read on here before, as I'll be taking a look back over the last six months of Lettering Tutorial, and also talking about what I have planned for the future too. Looking Back Let's start by taking a look back over the past six months. To some six months probably won't seem all that long, but because of the way the site … [Read more...]
Join InkTober 2015 – 31 Days Of Ink Projects
InkTober first came under my radar last year, but at the time I was too busy working on drawing commissions to look into it properly. This year InkTober is back again, and it seems like the perfect thing to get involved with to boost those lettering skills, portfolios or both! Much of the work that gets submitted to InkTober is highly illustration based. Some of the work I've seen also incorporates lettering with illustration too. As a lettering community lets bring some amazing lettering … [Read more...]