Are you interested in building a career as a hand-lettering artist? Want to take up calligraphy as a part-time gig? Are you a hand-lettering artist who is struggling to grow your business? If you answered yes to any of the above then there's a good chance this workshop is for you! Sign up for the workshop here! Modern Thrive is a fantastic resource for creative types and is hosting a really helpful workshop in April 2016. The workshop runs from the 6th - 8th of April, and is available to … [Read more...]
Lettering Legend – Stanley Donwood Interview
Stanley Donwood is an artist with an array of different creative skills. He is very well known for producing all of the album artwork used by the band Radiohead. He's had a few books published, including a graphic novel which he made in a month to win a five pound bet. Stanley has used both hand lettering and digital lettering in a lot of his work over the years, he is uniquely talented and most deserving of the title 'Lettering Legend'. One of the main reasons I wanted to feature Stanley is … [Read more...]
Lettering Legend – John Stevens Interview
John Stevens is a truly accomplished lettering artist, with many years of experience and a great deal of wisdom. A number of lettering artists dream of not only having John’s skills but also his confidence too. One moment John could be lettering a beautifully precise and elegant certificate using calligraphy, the next moment he could be creating a piece of brush lettering with loose flowing letters. John is a master of many lettering styles and there seems to be no end to where his talents … [Read more...]
Lettering Tutorial New Gallery Hashtag
Lettering Tutorial has a new gallery feature which I'm excited to talk about. If you listen to my Hand Lettering Podcast you might already be aware of the new gallery hashtag I announced for you to use. If you've not had chance to listen to the podcast series yet, or you're not caught up on the latest episode don't worry as I'm going to provide you with the significant details of the new hashtag in this article. The new gallery hashtag can be used to share your lettering that has been … [Read more...]
Book Club – Lettering For Reproduction
Lettering For Reproduction was recommended by a reader of a previous 'Book Club' article named Sandra. In her comment Sandra mentioned a few books she's found helpful many of which I'd heard of, but Lettering For Reproduction by David Gates I hadn't come across before. I managed to locate it for around £6 / $10 but couldn't find much information on it as it was published in the late 1960's and throughout the 1970's. However as the price was low I decided I'd risk the investment. Now having had … [Read more...]