Professional artists Barbara Enright and Carla Hackett will soon be on a brush lettering tour, and they will be bringing their skills and experiences to workshops in London and New York. Barbara began learning showcard and ticket writing fifty years ago and has really developed her skills within the area of sign painting. Carla makes up one-quarter of the lettering girl group ‘The Letterettes’ and has worked on some unique projects. Both talented ladies have been featured on Lettering Tutorial in the past. The pair teamed up previously to create a ‘Learn Brush Lettering’ course, which you can read more about in this detailed review article. I have also had the pleasure of interviewing Carla as part of the ‘Lettering Legend’ series along with the rest of the Letterettes. Needless to say, Carla and Barbara have a multitude of talent!
Brush Lettering Tour
Barbara and Carla will be presenting a two-day beginners brush lettering workshop in New York from the 5th – 6th August, and a second one in London from the 12th – 13th August which will be hosted by Shillington College.

The beginners workshop is suitable for anyone looking to get started with brush lettering, or anyone who wants to learn some new brush lettering styles.
Book a place on the New York workshop / Book a place on the London workshop
They will also be presenting another workshop in London from the 19th – 20th August, which will focus on the skill of developing showcards. The workshop will be hosted by the amazing lettering agency Better Letters, who specialise in organising one of a kind lettering workshops which take place worldwide.

Showcards are commonly used in retail and often market products and offers. They are beautiful, graphical hand painted signs which can frequently be taken for granted. We come from a society where so much is created digitally, that it is difficult for some to appreciate the abilities that are needed to create showcards by hand. It is rare to come across a workshop that teaches such a specialist skill, and is not a workshop to be missed if it is an area that interests you.
Book a place on the London Showcard workshop
Workshop Bonus
The content of these workshops will be worth every penny / cent. However, what makes them even more appealing is that access to Carla and Barbara’s online ‘Learn Brush Lettering’ course (mentioned above) will be included in the price of the workshop. The course costs $299 so to get access to it included with the workshop fee is really great! Lunch is also included on both days of the London and New York workshops and you will get your own brush and guide sheets.

I have admired Barbara and Carla’s work for quite some time now, and it’s so lovely to see them venturing out from Australia together to pass on their knowledge. I think these workshops will provide a fantastic opportunity to learn some valuable techniques, meet some like-minded people and to have some fun with Carla, Barbara, and the wonderful folks from Shillington or Better Letters.