Brush artist and calligrapher Belinda Love Lee has kindly created an exclusive seasonal tutorial for us. Belinda shows how to create some personal gift tags that can provide family members and friends with extra sentiment this holiday season. Belinda’s tutorial is the second of three holiday articles that will feature on Lettering Tutorial this December. If you missed the first feature, Emma Holmes talks you through her process for creating hand lettered Christmas cards.
I’ll hand things over now, take it away Belinda!
Belinda Love Lee’s Exclusive Tutorial
“With so many gifts under the tree, gift tags are a must. Especially for us letterers out here, this is our time to shine and show off a little swirl and illustration. A normal gift tag just has the ‘to and from’ names on it, but instead of the tag adding to the already growing pile of paper waste, lets put a little more meaning behind it! In this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to scale small by adding a little quote on the back of the gift tag.
Perhaps we’ll be able to convince people to keep the tags around for a little while longer, as a book mark or even frame art!

Materials Needed:
– Pre-made tags
– Calligraphy pen
– Ink
– And Google to help you find the appropriate quotes
Step 1 – So on the front side we’ll be writing their names in as per usual.

Step 2 – Then on the flip side, this is where we’ll be writing out our quote. Think about a quote that would really speak to the person on the receiving side. Perhaps do a little research to get your thoughts flowing. But before jumping the gun and writing directly on the tag, I would suggest practicing a couple times on a spare piece of paper, so you can get your layout down, and know what format looks best together.

Step 3 – Once you’ve nailed down your desired layout. It’s now time to get penning.

Step 4 – Viola! Now you have a set of meaningful gift tags that will hopefully stick around for more than just this season!

If you’re also interested in getting this wrapping paper look for your gifts, head on over to my blog and take a look at the DIY article over there: ‘DIY: Christmas Wrapping Done in Style’!”

More From Belinda Love Lee
Thanks so much Belinda!
If you’d like to brush up on your calligraphy skills first before trying out Belinda’s tutorial she recently added a class to Skillshare ‘Digitize Your Own Calligraphy: From Logo to Letterpress’. Belinda has provided a special link that will get you a month of Skillshare membership for free. You can find some great tips in her class even if you’re first starting out at calligraphy.