Stanley Donwood is an artist with an array of different creative skills. He is very well known for producing all of the album artwork used by the band Radiohead. He's had a few books published, including a graphic novel which he made in a month to win a five pound bet. Stanley has used both hand lettering and digital lettering in a lot of his work over the years, he is uniquely talented and most deserving of the title 'Lettering Legend'. One of the main reasons I wanted to feature Stanley is … [Read more...]
Lettering Tutorial New Gallery Hashtag
Lettering Tutorial has a new gallery feature which I'm excited to talk about. If you listen to my Hand Lettering Podcast you might already be aware of the new gallery hashtag I announced for you to use. If you've not had chance to listen to the podcast series yet, or you're not caught up on the latest episode don't worry as I'm going to provide you with the significant details of the new hashtag in this article. The new gallery hashtag can be used to share your lettering that has been … [Read more...]
Book Club – Lettering For Reproduction
Lettering For Reproduction was recommended by a reader of a previous 'Book Club' article named Sandra. In her comment Sandra mentioned a few books she's found helpful many of which I'd heard of, but Lettering For Reproduction by David Gates I hadn't come across before. I managed to locate it for around £6 / $10 but couldn't find much information on it as it was published in the late 1960's and throughout the 1970's. However as the price was low I decided I'd risk the investment. Now having had … [Read more...]
Hand Lettering A Gift For The Holiday
It's time to bring you the last of three special holiday tutorials, this time focusing on hand lettering a quote or phrase that you can frame and give away as a gift. If you missed the previous two tutorials you can learn how to create hand lettered Christmas cards with Emma Holmes, and how to make gift tags more interesting using calligraphy, with Belinda Love Lee. You can also find another great tutorial directly on Belinda's blog, showing you how to create your own DIY wrapping paper which … [Read more...]
Book Club – Scripts: Elegant Lettering From Design’s Golden Age
Book Club brings you a new recommendation 'Scripts: Elegant Lettering From Design's Golden Age'. This months book is another that I have in my collection, and it's one I go to so often. Created by Steven Heller and Louise Fili the book is filled with beautiful and interesting samples of script lettering. This isn't the kind of book that will talk you through how to script letter but it will provide you with endless pages of script lettering that you can use as reference. The book contains … [Read more...]